Tarika Common


Who am I?

Hello Everyone!

My name is Rika. I am originally from Chicago but I currently reside in Oak Park, IL. I am working towards completing my Bachelors in Computer Science. I recently completed a certificate in Full Stack Web Development from Northwestern University in Chicago, IL.

I have worked with VB.NET, Java, PHP, and C++ the past. My main focus is JavaScript, specifically working with the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). My portfolio below features several JavaScript projects I've completed and am currently revising. I am a life-time learner and can't wait to continue exploring this expanding world of technology.

  • JavaScipt
  • Node.js
  • React
  • Express
  • MySQL
  • Sequelize
  • MongoDB
  • Handlebars
  • Bootstrap
  • Materialize.css


Vice Cracker more_vert

A mobile first app to help track daily/monthly consumption of your vices like consuming too much beer or ice cream. You will be alaert when you max your consumption level but no worries we will keep you movited by sending you via text info on local heath stores, gyms, healthy recipes, and work out videos for you.
Improve yourself everyday!

The Binger more_vert

Use The Binger to locate your favorite shows, save to a watchlist and check off the epsiodes you have completed. This helps you track the episodes you have watched for all your binge watching needs!

Ruler more_vert

Application designed for teachers and parents to keep track of the daily activities of their students/kids. Teachers can make custom comments about the students so that the parent can view later.


Application to display your favorite gifs. You can click on the buttons to display gifs or create a new button to supply gifs

Crystal +more_vert

Duis at augue in libero ultricies egestas. Nulla euismod turpis non nibh condimentum, sollicitudin pulvinar urna hendrerit. Ut viverra aliquet purus vel condimentum. Praesent risus lacus, fermentum sit amet maximus in, interdum quis elit.

My Liri Bot more_vert

Maecenas sit amet enim at lorem facilisis luctus. Vestibulum vitae scelerisque elit. Nunc elementum iaculis laoreet. Sed sodales leo ut lobortis pretium. Nullam viverra turpis et nisl tristique, ut tincidunt neque tincidunt.